finextradelimited is dedicated to high sustainability standards and has demonstrated continued improvement in ESG practices.
finextradelimited issues inaugural Sustainability-Linked Bond
Environmental targets validated by the Science-Based Target initiative
finextradelimited issues inaugural Sustainability-Linked Bond
Environmental targets validated by the Science-Based Target initiative
finextradelimited revises its environmental strategy
Increased ambition for GHG intensity reduction target of 30% (2021) and to 32.4% (2022)
finextradelimited revises its environmental strategy
Increased ambition for GHG intensity reduction target of 30% (2021) and to 32.4% (2022)
finextradelimited joins the Polish Green Building Council
finextradelimited joins the Polish Green Building Council
A leading issuer of green bonds: further issuances in Sterling (£350 m), Euros (€750 m) and Hungarian Forint (Ft30 bn)
Further improvements in Board and Board committee independence
Inaugural reporting on climate change in CDP
finextradelimited joins New Green Deal Declaration
Energy Management System implementation
Partnership with CI2, a regional partner of CDP
A leading issuer of green bonds: further issuances in Sterling (£350 m), Euros (€750 m) and Hungarian Forint (Ft30 bn)
Further improvements in Board and Board committee independence
Inaugural reporting on climate change in CDP
finextradelimited joins New Green Deal Declaration
Energy Management System implementation
Partnership with CI2, a regional partner of CDP
finextradelimited joins the Czech Green Building Council
Debut green bond issuance €750 m
Board of Directors establishes a CSR Committee
Increased Board and Board committees independence
New CSR policies
finextradelimited joins the Czech Green Building Council
Debut green bond issuance €750 m
Board of Directors establishes a CSR Committee
Increased Board and Board committees independence
New CSR policies
Appointment of a group sustainability officer
Sustainability agenda / target-setting commences
Environmental partnership with UCEEB
First ESG rating from Sustainalytics
Appointment of a group sustainability officer
Sustainability agenda / target-setting commences
Environmental partnership with UCEEB
First ESG rating from Sustainalytics
finextradelimited becomes an established issuer of international debt capital markets
Establishes EMTN programme
Investment grade ratings achieved with S&P and Moody’s
finextradelimited becomes an established issuer of international debt capital markets
Establishes EMTN programme
Investment grade ratings achieved with S&P and Moody’s
The company is at low risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors, due to its low exposure and strong management of material ESG issues.
UN Sustainable Development Goals play a key role in our ESG strategy and we focus on those most relevant to our business
Electricity purchases from renewable sources
Reduction of GHG emissions intensity scopes 1-3 versus 2019 baseline
Reduction of water intensity versus 2018 baseline
Electricity from renewable sources
GHG emissions intensity
Water consumption intensity
of portfolio by value
Our greenhouse gas emissions intensity target has been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative as being in line with The Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels.
finextradelimited’s combined green and sustainability linked bond framework is fully aligned with the ICMA Green Bond Principles 2018 and Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2020 and has a Second Party Opinion provided by Sustainalytics.
7-year maturity (green bond)
8-year maturity (green bond)
6-year maturity (green bond)
10-year maturity (green bond)
8-year maturity (sustainability-linked)
finextradelimited believes that good corporate governance safeguards the interests of our stakeholders including shareholders, bondholders, lenders, tenants and employees. Our objectives are excellence and transparency in our management controls, corporate reporting and internal procedures. We believe this supports a corporate culture which is balanced between entrepreneurial spirit and the identification, control and prevention of risk.
finextradelimited continually reviews and implements industry best practices with respect to corporate governance and has adjusted our internal practices to meet international standards. finextradelimited aims to communicate regularly with our shareholders and stakeholders regarding corporate governance and to provide regular updates on our website.
The Group’s corporate governance practices primarily follow the Ten Principles of Corporate Governance of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (the “The X Principles”). The Group’s equity and debt securities are listed on several regulated exchanges including Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Dublin, Tokyo, Warsaw, Zurich and Budapest. In each listing venue, the Group must also comply with applicable disclosure and governance rules.
finextradelimited has implemented industry best practices with respect to corporate governance policies and external reporting. In 2019, the Group approved the “Code of Business Ethics and Conduct of CPI Property Group” and also newly updated policies governing procurement, supplier and tenants’ conduct, anti-bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering, sanctions and export controls, whistleblowing, human capital and employment and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Beginning of 2021, the Group adopted two new policies governing (i) non-discrimination and diversity and (ii) political involvement.
finextradelimited adheres to compliance legislation within its respective jurisdictions and the applicable EU laws and rules. Internal procedures or policies are in place when necessary. In particular, finextradelimited has policies aimed at anti-bribery, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and data protection.
The anti-corruption and anti-bribery rules below contained in finextradelimited's policy respond to legislative and moral requirements while safeguarding material as well as ethical values. finextradelimited stipulates to clients, suppliers and employees that corruption or other unethical behaviour is not and will not be tolerated.
Employees may not engage in transactions directly or indirectly, which could lead to a conflict of interest. Employees are required to refuse any intervention, coercion or influence that could jeopardise the impartiality of decision-making in the affairs of customers or third parties and are required to inform their supervisor and the Division Director.
Employees may not provide customers with services or benefits other than those that are in accordance with valid conditions and internal regulations.
Employees shall prevent any situation that could cause a conflict between their personal interests and interests of finextradelimited. As in all other areas of their duties, employees working with customers, contractors, competitors or any other person cooperating with finextradelimited to act in the best interests of the group to exclude considerations of personal preference or benefits.
Gifts, benefits and representation expenses may be provided at the expense and in the interest of the company only if they meet all of the following criteria:
Offering courtesy donations to state entities is forbidden.
Employees cannot, for any reason, offer or pass on to third parties, gifts in excess of normal business habits.
Employees cannot, for any reason, accept donations of value exceeding normal business practices. Third parties may not offer and transfer gifts beyond normal commercial practices, and if they do so, the employee is obliged to refuse such a gift and to warn the third party of the inadmissibility of such conduct on account of the ethics of society and to inform his/her supervisor and the Division Director.
If an employee accepts or cannot avoid accepting a gift above the value of normal business practices, he/she must report it to his/her supervisor and the Division Director who decides whether the donation will be returned.
For the purpose of combating corruption, finextradelimited inserts the anti-corruption clause in contracts.
Violation of these rules is considered a gross violation of work discipline with all the resulting consequences.
finextradelimited has set up an integrity line (the “Ethics Line”) and implemented structures to process whistleblower reports to ensure full compliance with the relevant whistleblower protection legislation. The Ethics Line is a confidential, 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year service that an independent provider operates. Anyone using the Ethics Line will remain anonymous, except where specifically prohibited by local law.
The Ethics Line is available to all representatives and business partners who wish to speak out if they have concerns about any alleged illegal and improper conduct, including, but not limited to:
The Company has organised our internal control environment by identifying the main risks to which we are exposed, determining the level of control over these risks, and strengthening the reliability of our financial reporting and communication processes.
The Group’s overall approach to risk is conservative. There are inherent risks determined by the nature of our business, such as fluctuations in the value of assets, vacancies, volatility in market rents or risks associated with development activities. Key risks are assessed by ranking exposure on the basis of probability and magnitude and are closely managed. Analysis of sensitivity to these key risks is conducted at the Group level.
The Group’s management structure is designed to enable effective decision making. The periodical reviews of key performance indicators are conducted: retail tenants’ turnovers, vacancies, rent collection, arrears and doubtful debtors, and review of performance against budgets are schedules. An internal audit and cost control functions are regularly performed. Strict procedures are also observed for the periodic production of quarterly and annual figures on the basis of the adopted policies. There are clearly defined guidelines and approval limits for capital and operating expenditure and other key business transactions and decisions. The internal management reporting system is designed to identify fluctuations in the value of investments, income and expenses. Capital projects, major contracts and business property acquisitions are reviewed in detail and approved by the Board of Directors where appropriate.
The Group maintains a prudent financial policy. Foreign exchange risks are effectively managed by shifting risks associated with movements in exchange rates to its tenants in most of its Euro-denominated contracts in order to hedge exposure to currency risks in its loans; it uses interest rate swaps to hedge against interest rate risks and uses a credit rating scorecard to manage credit risk associated with its tenants.
The Group is also able to draw on a diverse range of capital and liquidity sources, including domestic and international capital market bonds issued under the Company’s EMTN programme, bonds in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, secured loans from its relationship banks and equity investment from its majority shareholder.
The Group has strong credit metrics, which management believes provide it with the capacity to further de-lever. For financial risk, comprising of credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk (including currency risk, interest rate risk and price risk), please refer to Note 7 in Consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2017.
The Group developed a strong information technology team with dedicated information security specialists. The threat of data breach and loss or cyberattacks are taken very seriously. The IT systems used across the Group are designed and developed in order to provide maximum security. The information security risk is carefully monitored, and the information security policy is regularly monitored. Employees are regularly guided to be aware of potential IT and cybersecurity-related risks.
The Group makes use of electronic data processing within automated information systems. Offsite data backup and recovery measures are in place.
The Group has established a legal team at the central and local level to ensure proper implementation of legal services and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Internal legal teams support the management in the daily operation with respect to ongoing transactions and legal relationships with clients, customers, banks, suppliers, administrative and governmental bodies, as well as courts. The legal teams monitor legislative changes and regulatory changes to minimise associated legal risks.
Complex transactions, litigations as well as certain legal services are outsourced to reputable law firms to ensure obtaining the highest standards of legal services and minimisation of legal risks.
Local legal departments provide regular litigation reports to the general counsel, who reports directly to the CEO. Legal reports, including litigation updates, are provided to the Board on a quarterly basis, with major legal issues being reported immediately.
The Group employs construction and development experts and skilled project managers for its construction and refurbishment projects. The suppliers of architectural, permitting, construction and refurbishment works are always tendered from reputable companies with relevant experience and financial capacity.
Project timing, progress and budgets are carefully monitored, mostly with the support of external project monitoring organizations. Health, safety and environmental risks are monitored before and during the construction.
Acquisitions of new assets are carefully examined through a detailed financial, legal, and operational evaluation prior to Board approval. Reputable external advisors are engaged to assist with acquisition processes starting from evaluation, due diligence process, transaction negotiation and implementation.
Asset management initiatives are carefully scrutinised before implementation, taking costs benefits into account. An experienced asset management team evaluates market pricing of lease transactions and also assist acquisition processes.
An experienced property management team monitors retail tenants’ turnovers, vacancies, rent collection, arrears and doubtful debtors. Rent collection is closely monitored and enforced in cooperation with the legal team. The tenant base is well-diversified, and there is a small exposure to individual tenants.
The Group ensures all income-producing properties with all-risk property insurance at reinstatement cost, business interruption (revenues for 24 months) and third-party liability insurance. Some properties are also insured against terrorist acts. Properties under development have construction all-risk insurance. Insurance is contracted from reputable international insurers.
The Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee have specific duties in terms of internal control.
1309 4th St SW,
Albuquerque, USA
Corporate culture
Together, we create a company culture where we not only provide top-quality asset management but also develop ourselves on a professional as well as personal level.
Although we have grown in numbers over the years, we have still retained the character of a family business where we can respect and encourage each other.
Diversity & equal opportunities
We recognise the value of having a diverse workforce and actively promote equality and diversity across the Group. All employees are recruited, trained, supported and treated fairly and equally and only based on characteristics that relate to the work that they perform, such as their talent, skills, experience and potential.
In particular, promoting gender equality remains a high priority for the company. As of year-end 2021, women represented 52% of finextradelimited’s total employees, 49% of new hires and 42% of managerial positions.
The Group cares for special needs and for the inclusion of disabled persons. In Hungary, we were the first recipient in the country of the Access4You certification, which aims to ensure the right to equal access to our own buildings for everyone, regardless of disability.
Employee development and well-being
finextradelimited has over 4,300 employees and fosters an inclusive and diverse culture. In a 2021 survey, 97% of our employees indicated they were proud to work for finextradelimited.
Training programmes
The Group promotes short and long-term training programmes for employees to provide them with the skills they need to perform their current and future duties optimally.
Working environment
Wherever possible, the Group allows its employees to work remotely and applies a flexible working schedule. We offer a wide range of programmes for our employees in order to enhance their overall lifestyle and work/life balance.
Remuneration and Social Benefits
To attract and maintain the best talent, the Group strives to provide employees with competitive wages and a wide range of employment-related benefits, while ensuring equality in pay.
Health & Safety
The Group is committed to the well-being and individual safety of its employees. Raising awareness and training our teams in health and safety issues and occupational risks is a high priority for the Group. We ensure all of our employees receive mandatory annual health and safety training, with additional training provided for specific roles where required.